Build a stronger team in just
5 minutes per week

We all love a bit of friendly competition in the workplace. Now you can take it to the next level.

Our weekly MiniQwiz challenge will engage your team, create friendly workplace competition, connect your team (even from remote locations) – every Friday!

Make our MiniQwiz challenge the new Friday ritual at your work. You might even earn yourself some bragging rights for Friday afternoon drinks!

How does it work?

Every Friday morning we’ll email your team a link to the new MiniQwiz 10-question qwiz. Each qwiz focuses on a different general topic or subject. 

Your team can play the qwiz at any time before 4pm Friday. At this point we’ll begin to analyse the aggregate results, and we’ll share the results via email at around 5pm.

The results will:

  • compare each player’s score with the group results
  • identify your top players, and;
  • analyse your group’s performance against all other players outside of your group.

It's really that easy!

Register your group
Receive your qwiz notification each Friday
Play MiniQwiz
Receive weekly results analysis
Brag about your glorious win!

How does your group benefit?

Register your business to join the fun every Friday and you’ll enjoy the following benefits.

Friendly competition

Creating a friendly competition reinforces team building


Engage and motivate your staff in a fun way

Generate banter

Facilitate bragging rights!


Connect your remote locations, teams, or departments

Build a stronger team

Build a stronger team through facing a common challenge

All this for as little as $20 per month...

The first two weeks are free for new groups. No contracts. Discounts are available for non-profits.

Register your interest now and become part of our growing qwiz community.

Download a team invite sheet and start organising your team.

Is your team ready for the challenge?

Up to 10 participants

$16/month for non-profits


$24/month for non-profits


$48/month for non-profits


$64/month for non-profits



Get started now!

Be one of the first to know

Join our mailing list and we’ll let you know as soon as we release a new qwiz.

Play MiniQwiz ten times and we’ll tell you how you rate by calculating your very own QWIZIQ…