Quiz Topic: Historical Characters

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Here is a set full of famous snippets from history. But don't quote me on it! Instead, click on the link below to find out for yourself! Your target is 7 out of 10...
More than 7 decades in the making...here is a qwiz all about Queen Elizabeth II, her family, and her time on the throne. Your target is 7 out of 10...
It's time to remember and commemorate NZ's ANZACS by showing we do remember what they did and who they were. Your target is 7 out of 10...
How well do you know famous New Zealanders? From Kate Sheppard to Robert Muldoon and David Lange we have got it covered. Your target is 7 out of 10...
Kingdoms, dynasties, queens, kings, princes, this set covers it all. From Marie Antoinette to Prince Charles. Your target is 7 out of 10...
Entertainers, royalty, celebrities - we've got you covered. One the toughest sets we have done. Your target is 6 out of 10...

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